We have a wide range of options. We lead communities through change and also host individual workshops. There is something for everyone.

Leading communities through transitions:

Community Consultants

+  Quality worship planning and preaching

+  High level management of church administration systems

+  Oversight and support of transitional lay leaders and teams through each stage of the transition including profile writing and search committee work

+  Participatory engagement with the entire congregation for process and storytelling including grief process, assessment of assets and growth areas, visioning and pivoting toward future goals

Facilitating Transforming Conversations:

Healthy Communication 101

Avoiding triangles, avoiding blame, taking responsibility as a differentiated leader.

Dealing with Conflict: Accountability, Commitments, Making Amends

Interactive and relational workshops that help reveal family systems at work in a congregation and asks members to take responsibility for shifts.

Community Listening Sessions

Visioning retreat covering history, current needs, and vision through connecting conversations. We train leaders to run these sessions.

Let's create together


Let's create together ✴︎